
%0 Conference Proceedings
%@doi 10.1109/SIBGRA.2004.1352973
%T A load-balancing strategy for sort-first distributed rendering
%D 2004
%A Abraham, Frederico Rodrigues,
%A Celes, Waldemar,
%A Cerqueira, Renato,
%A Campos, Joćo Luiz Elias,
%@affiliation Tecgraf - Computer Science Department - PUC-Rio
%E Araśjo, Arnaldo de Albuquerque,
%E Comba, Joćo Luiz Dihl,
%E Navazo, Isabel,
%E Sousa, Antōnio Augusto de,
%B Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, 17 (SIBGRAPI) - Ibero-American Symposium on Computer Graphics, 2 (SIACG)
%C Curitiba, PR, Brazil
%8 17-20 Oct. 2004
%I IEEE Computer Society
%J Los Alamitos
%S Proceedings
%K distributed rendering, real time rendering, load balancing, multithreaded applications.
%X In this paper, we present a multi-threaded sort-first distributed rendering system. In order to achieve load balance among the rendering nodes, we propose a new partitioning scheme based on the rendering time of the previous frame. The proposed load-balancing algorithm is very simple to be implemented and works well for both geometry- and rasterization-bound models. We also propose a strategy to assign tiles to rendering nodes that effectively uses the available graphics resources, thus improving rendering performance.
%@language en
%3 4404_abraham_frederico.pdf
